Most Famous Naat : Hasbi Rabbi Jallallah
Singer: Syed Maratib
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t is difficult to trace the history of Na'at khawani since no authenticated record of when it was initiated can be found. One early author, Hassan, was known as Shair-e-Darbaar-e-Risalat. Even before accepting Islam he was a poet, but after embracing Islam he gave a new turn to his poetry and started writing Na'ats in honor of Muhammad. He was famous for his poetry that defended Muhammad in response to rival poets that attacked him and his religion. Therefore, Hassan is known as the first sana-khawaan (naat reciter) of that time. After that many a poet followed this trend and totally dedicated themselves towards writing of nNats.
Tala' al Badru 'Alayna, a song sung to Muhammad during his completion of migration to Medina in is believed to be one of the earliest naats.
Urdu Naat poets
Ahmad Raza Khan
Muhammad Ilyas Qadri
Hasan Raza Khan
Syed Muhammad Muhaddis
Syed Waheed Ashraf
Hafiz Kamran Qadri
Aamir Anwar Qadri
Abdul Basit Hassani
Abdullah Khalil Qadri
Abdul Hameed Rana Soharwardi
Abdul Qadar Sanji
Abrar ul Haq
Abul Hussain Muhammad Bilal Qadri
Afshan Taneer
Mushtaq Qadri
Syed Fasihuddin Soharwardy
Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri
Asad Raza Attari
Siddiq Ismail
Khursheed Ahmad
Prof. Abdul Rauf Rufi
Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi
Amir Liaquat Hussain
Ahmed Raza Qadri
Imran Sheikh Attari
Moeen Alam
Arabic Naat singers
Ahmed Bukhatir
Dawud Wharnsby
Mesut Kurtis